Monday, July 15, 2013

Call-For-Action: Tell Congress Tax Reform Should Do No Harm

NAR has issued an important Call-for-Action and C.A.R. strongly urges every California REALTOR® to take action on it TODAY.
The U.S. Senate will soon be considering tax reform options and has adopted a “Blank Slate” approach that initially eliminates every provision in the tax code, including the mortgage interest deduction and all those that encourage real estate ownership and investment.

Senators must submit their tax reform priorities to Senate leaders by July 26th. REALTORS® need to make their voices heard now so real estate provisions are on the top of the Senators' lists.

When approaching tax reform, Congress needs to be careful not to adversely affect the unique legacy of homeownership and real estate investment. It is precisely this legacy that has contributed to our country’s historical prosperity and the revitalization of today’s economy.

REALTORS® must stand united that tax reform should above all “Do No Harm” and encourage Congress to retain tax provisions vital to real estate.

Please respond to NAR’s Call-for-Action TODAY using this link HERE 
Please contact Rian Barrett at with any questions.

San Fernando Valley Real Estate


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